How it works?
Mobile Friendly
Installs on Devices
You can install this app on your website or share it with your customers and on social media. You can also publish it on the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. It allows visitors to search for their charter flights on your app. You can control the way the search results appear by choosing specific air charter operators or empty leg flights or all the options available on Insta Charter which matches over 10000 aircraft worldwide. You can also customize the pricing engine that shows a price or choose not to display a price. When a user makes a request, it lands in your inbox with the details of the customer, chosen tail and charter operator. You can now contact the customer and the operator to fulfill your customer's needs or provide a suitable alternative.
Active Aircraft Search
Search results on Insta Charter are filtered by the actual recent flying activity of the aircraft and the region where it was seen if the schedule is not available. This helps in making requests to those private jet charter operators who are more likely to respond. For example, when a customer searches on your app he will see only the active aircraft or when you search for aircraft in Single Point you will see only active aircraft. When you reach out to this charter operator your chances of getting a deal are better as compared to directory-based search engines.
>75% of the Global Charter Fleet does not use API-enabled scheduling software.

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We will add your logo and customise colours.
Set up pricing or turn it off. Set up search critieria.
Get the link and write a one line code on your website.
Start getting private air charter leads.